1. At first, make sure the ingredients are all ready to use, all are not passing the expired date, and all are in good shape which mean in good conditions.
2. Making cake, we always use egsg. So we have to take more attention about eggs we use, and how we handle them. Never use eggs direct from refrigerator. We have to set them aside in room temperature before crack and whisk them.
3. Do not whisk the egg too long or too short in time. The longer, our cake more crumby. The shorter, our cake wouldn’t expand well. It will be deflated as immediately as we take them out from the oven. Practices make perfect, we’ll find a perfect time to stop whisk it. I did it.
4. When you need to stir the batter with spatula, stir it in one direction. Don’t be too long, it will make it down. Mix others ingredients first before pour them to the batter/whisked egg.
5. Never leave the batter too long. Bake it immediately after you finish prepare the batter.
6. Set in the middle rack of your oven to avoid over heating in the bottom or in the top rack.
Di blog saya, anda menulis :
ReplyDelete"enaknya..tinggal kopi paste..
padahal aku pusing bikin bahasa inggrisnya setengah mati..
memang anda tulis sumber dan linknya disini..tapi kok saya tetep sakit hati hasil karya saya dikopas bulet2 begini..untuk keperluan adsense kah? apa ga bisa bikin sendiri?
saya lebih senang kalo anda mau ngomong ke saya dulu"
Saya jawab :
Maaf, terus terang saja, baru malam ini saya baca komentar anda, habis biasanya tdk pernah ada yg berkomentar.
Alasan saya :
1. Saya COPY-PASTE dari situs yang memberikan artikel secara GRATIS. Jadi saya pikir, semua artikel yang sudah masuk ke ezine, boleh di-republish, sesuai dgn TOS-nya Ezinearticles :
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apakah saya tidak respect kpd anda dgn mengcopy bulet2 tulisan anda ?
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2.Saya meng-COPAS banyak artikel,salah satunya adalah artikel hasil karya anda. Kalau anda ingin dimintai izin dulu, seharusnya di ezine dijelaskan, bahwa jika ingin meng-copas, minta izin dulu ke yang buat.
3. Namanya copas memang enak. Apalagi dari situs penyedia artikel gratisan.
4. Kalau tidak ingin di copas, sebaiknya jgn didaftarkan ke situs penyedia artikel bebas.
5. Sebetulnya saya ingin meminta maaf, KALAU saja anda menegur saya baik2, seperti : "Maaf, anda sudah memuat hasil karya saya. Sebaiknya anda meminta kepada saya terlebih dahulu". Saya rasa saya tdk akan keberatan. Tapi, krn cara anda menegur seperti itu, walau (mungkin) kesalahan ada di fihak saya, maka saya pun merasa kurang enak/tersinggung, walaupun mgkn menurut versi anda, anda yg benar dan saya yang salah.
6.Jika anda keberatan, maka SEKARANG JUGA artikel buatan anda akan saya HAPUS.
7. Iya, saya ingin dapat DUIT dari Google adsense, dgn cara membuat blog dan memposting artikel BEBAS dlm b. Inggris. Saya tahu cara ini dari buku yang saya BELI, bukan minta dan bukan pula minjem.
8. Jika anda ingin bukti bahwa saya telah menghapus postingan hasil karya anda, silahkan lihat di blog yg saya buat.Kalau perlu, blog itu akan saya hapus.
Now, your articles has been removed by me. Saya tanya, kalau anda seorang newbie seperti saya, apakah anda bisa "berempati" ? Saya bukannya malas atau nggak bisa bikin sendiri. Tapi, kalau ada yang mudah, kenapa dipersulit? Di internet, banyak artikel yang BOLEH dipublikasikan ulang (republish dan reprint). Kalau ada seseorang yg memasukkan/mendaftarkan artikelnya ke suatu situs artikel gratisan, itu berarti dia harus mau menerima aturan atau resiko dari situs tsb. Dgn kata lain, BOLEH diCOPAS bulet2.Anda pun dapat bayaran bukan ? Setahu saya, orang yg mengirimkan artikel ke situs spt di atas, biasanya dpt bayaran.
ReplyDeleteIf you need something to discuss, let's talk by email or by YM (See my Contact). This is not a suitable place.
ReplyDeleteI left a comment on 'your' article because I could not find your contact(email or something) in your blog.
You have to know, I am newbie as you are. I asked Enzine about this and give them the link to your blog. They said, you don't give me any credit. I submitted my articles (that was not easy to be approved) to get credit, to get some backlink. Not something like your blog, that was all people's articles. I know, our people used to choose instant way to be rich or to be famous. But please..don't do that. I am sure you are more than that.
Some people said and Enzine said too, that I am able to report to Google about your blog. I suspend it. I just waited for your responses. Thanks God, finally you response my comment although not in preferred way. Because I think, you are probably a newbie as I am, and haven't realized yet about ethic in blogging and blog monetizing.
ReplyDeleteSorry to tell you, for submitting articles, they don't pay me any money, they just give some backlink..:)
I did that because your language style that you wrote was impressed rough, although you deserve of it. But, according to my opinion, you can tell me with polite. I understand your feeling. If in ezine did not have the free article, of course I will not copy the artificial article someone. I also tried to appreciate the work of the other person. Maaf, jika B. Inggris saya tidak sebagus anda. Kalau anda mau saya minta maaf, dengan tulus ikhlas saya bilang "Maafkan saya, sudah menyalin hasil karya anda". Apakah anda puas dgn permintaan maaf saya ? Tulisan hasil karya anda sudah saya hapus (dua2nya). Saya lihat orang lain pun melakukan hal yang sama, mencari free article lalu menyebarkannya, bahkan tanpa ada yg menyertakan si penulis aslinya. Tapi sudahlah, toh saya sudah meminta maaf. Mudah2an anda mau menerima dan saya akan lebih berhati-hati utk selanjutnya. Terima kasih anda sudah menegur saya, walaupun dgn cara seperti itu, seandainya saja banyak orang yg artikelnya saya copas ingin menuntut saya untuk meminta izinnya (yg saya fikir sudah menjadi hak ezine), saya akan menutup blog tersebut.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...Why don't you show your identity? you have an email address and blogger account of course..
ReplyDeleteOkay..I think you enjoy discuss like this, Nugraha(if that's truly your name).
I try to be consistent with language that I use for this blog, although it is so awful for me too.
I do not need your apologize. I just want people in Indonesia start to be more aware and appreciate about other people's doing and other people's stuff and how making money in elegant way(just like that damn corruptions, huh?). You are better than anyone who didn't note the name of the author, that's why I am not immediately contact google.
I know there so many Indonesian doing that way. Unfortunately, you follow the wrong way.
Don't you ever think, if this world wide web contains such the same things(copy paste things), this search engine we adore to find informations will be full of junk contains that we don't know who actually responsible for giving that info. What you do next is up to you, I am sure if google know your blog contents they won't agree to give you permit anymore. But God always know what you do.
Anda memang keras hati. Walaupun saya sudah meminta maaf secara ikhlas, anda bilang tidak butuh permintaan maaf atas kesalahan (yang tidak saya sengaja).Saya berani berkata tdk sengaja, krn benar2 saya tidak tahu. Kalau anda tidak mau memaafkan, biarlah Alloh SWT yg memaafkan, tentu saja Alloh tahu apa yg saya lakukan.Kata2 anda "menyentuh" sekali, sampai menyamakan copas dengan korupsi :) Harus dgn cara apalagi saya minta maaf ? Kalau anda menuntut saya, krn kesalahan tadi, saya rela menghapus blog saya tersebut, asal anda bilang. Saya tunggu ya jawaban anda. Anda memang jago b.inggris, saya salut, saya pun sedang belajar, kalau blog saya dilihat sepintas hampir 100% itu copas,padahal secara bertahap saya sudah memulai membuat artikel berbahasa Inggris.Saya melakukan Copas,sekali lagi bukan krn malas, tapi krn belum menguasai artikel ttg makanan, saya berani menekuni yg bukan bidang saya hny krn adsense, betul tebakan anda.
ReplyDeleteWell, you said you unintentionally did that, okay..did/do you unintentionally hide your profile in your blog and here in my blog??
ReplyDeleteDon't be miss understood about 'I don't need your apology' because I think you do not need forgiveness from me. If you think you need my forgiveness, so you will need it too from all peoples whose articles you've put on your blog, right?
Tell me then, how can I give forgiveness to someone I don't know who he/she is, and keep hiding his/her identity until right now.Is that you mean 'tulus ikhlas'?
Well, if you really need this, I give to you..I forgive you. Let's finish it. I am tired dealing with this such thing.