
" Vegetables are the food of the earth, fruit seems more the food of the heavens." (Sepal Felicivant)

December 25, 2008

Es Kacang Merah (Red Bean with Shaved Ice)

I like es kacang merah especially without any coconut milk in it. I’ve been searching for the recipe that suit on my taste. Fortunately, I’ve found a recipe from Seri Masak Femina Primarasa A la Resto Manado. I tried just the same as what the book said.


200 g dried red bean, soaked for about 8 hours
1000 ml water
150 g palm sugar, grated
100 g sugar
1 stick of cinnamon
1 tablespoon chocolate powder, dissolve in a little bit of water
2 pandanus leaves
Sweet condensed chocolate milk


Boil the bean until tender but not so tender.
Put palm sugar, sugar, pandanus leaves, and cinnamon, stir well.
Keep boil until viscous enough, then pour dissolved chocolate, stir well.
Turn off the heat. Set aside and cool it down.
Then ready to serve with shaved ice and pour the top with sweet condensed chocolate milk.

(for 4 cups)

Thank you Femina...


  1. This sounds really interesting!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hallo...boleh tanya gak, mesin es serutnya itu beli di mana yah? Makasihh =)

  4. halo Erlyn..dulu beli di Innovation Store
    mudah2an membantu..:)

  5. oh oke deh..barusan cari ada dapet websitenya..tapi koq ga nemu yah yg namanya kaya electric ice shaver gitu? atau alatnya berupa blender biasa?
    makasih yah infonya =))

  6. Erlyn, namanya Speedy Power Slicer. Not only for shaving ice. It has many kind blades for certain purposes.

  7. Your excellent guidelines will be of great help to many. Nice post. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks!

    Ice Shaver


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